Nail fungus athlete's foot: signs and symptoms of the lesion. Which treatment methods are there?

Onychomycosis or fungal defeat quotes – this is an extremely unpleasant disease that is very difficult to be treated. The fungus in the nail plate under the nail and the surrounding skin contact with the disease. Keratin is supported by pathogenic microflora, as a result, the number decreases rapidly and a nail don't.

foot nail fungus

The causes, development, disease and transmission path of

Mushrooms, destroyed, quotes, spreads, moist environment, increased air temperatures. Infected Mushroom outdoor areas may be the climate of the places you visit. The most common yeast is "alive" public showers, gyms and swimming pools. Often infection occurs when you visit. Another way of infection – this infection is a close contact of a carrier. The addition of a sick person getting a disease through the use of your personal stuff.

However, to achieve nail fungus, just hit the skin for a pathogen is not enough. Effectively suppresses pathogenic microflora provide a strong immune system to defeat and improve the nail cutter. Factors conducive to development of fungal nails:

  • immune, global and local;
  • disorder, blood circulation, lower extremity;
  • stop excessive sweating;
  • wearing the wrong shoes that violates the blood;
  • damage and injury the skin stay on.

The rapid growth of pathogenic microflora are violated in addition to causing frequent circulation, vascular and metabolic diseases. Reasons it could be illness, is disrupted and blood flow increases perspiration when wearing the wrong shoes. A supportive environment to develop pathogenic microflora, moist skin, which if not enough oxygen. This time, Adam wears socks, tight shoes and synthetic fabrics, leather, artificial "breathable" materials.

Infection may be another reason why the development of this disrespect of Hygiene and compliance, security measures. Ill neglect the "buy" mushroom – a shoe or when working with swimming pool public shower or WiFi without using another towel or someone else's foot.

Usually people new to let a serious mistake while painting – they try her bare feet without socks. Can cause nail fungus because such an action is unknown, who measured a pair of these same shoes I had before, right foot, caused by this infected with human pathogenic microorganisms.

How to recognize a disease?

A very typical symptoms of toe nail fungus can be mixed, with other diseases this disease is very difficult. Revealed in time due to pathology, among the most basic signs you need to know:

foot nail fungus symptoms
  • training spots and stripes under the nail plate;
  • muddy whitish nail color;
  • inflammation on dry skin around the affected nail and the finger;
  • view the plaque from the mold;
  • modification of the structure fragile quotes.

The first symptoms of Education strips or spots, spotted, greenish or yellowish in color. The impression strips such quotation into the depths of the column and the skin under the nails.

The affected nail usually first a great deal of finger – less- Littlefinger. During the first phase of development shows information about nail fungal disease and characteristic changes colors as spots and Stripes. After a while, the infection hits the other fingers, visible redness, flaking and itchy skin around your nails.

At this stage of the treatment of the disease to get rid of the fungus in an effective and quick manner, however, patients rarely consult a doctor for treatment, the difference similar symptoms.

Nail fungi pathogenic microflora begin to destroy the surface population increases. This nail is soft and The Hill is characterized by cracks and depressions, the structure of heterogeneous. From the bottom of a nail and pus that can accompany this sharp, unpleasant smell of foot. Over time, the nail crumbling, flaking and the skin between the fingers, the effect becomes stronger.

It looks like defeat depends on the type of nail fungus. The disease is the pathogen most often yeast or fungus. A yeast infection nail plate the fungus grayish-cyanotic color. Quotes can be quickly and completely eliminated crashes as a result of the nail bed.

Mold fungus hit the nail record, the fabrics of power in the event of a violation, for example, as a result, a strong contraction very close to nail shoes. This type of Education characteristic whitish plaque onychomycosis, nail.

Knowingly during a time of an important disease that seems to visit the doctor. A fungus of a different kind, the various symptoms and treatment for yourself without difficult, consult a specialist.

Treatment principle

It takes a long time and requires an integrated approach to treatment of lesions of the nail plates. Fungus symptoms and treatment begins previously identify what is important to remember, the faster it manages to get rid of the disease.

Are used to fight disease:

toe nail fungus treatment
  • antifungal ointments and solutions;
  • antifungal tablet system;
  • medicine folk medicine.

External treatment using antifungals in the initial phase of the pathology. These include drugs, ointments, solutions, both lucky and antifungal as part of the component.

The most commonly prescribed treatment ointment, broad spectrum, various components that affect actively, including fungi and yeast-like. Appropriate use of ointments and creams during the initial phase will develop the disease. They nail the building violations are ineffective, the components of that drug can't penetrate small cracks, nail.

Antifungal drugs most effective solutions. Such drugs are generally given to bubbles with a pipette. A vehicle that is applied to the nail plate. Thanks to liquid consistency substance fills the slightest irregularity and falls to the bottom when the nail plate, thereby effectively affect the affected area.

Drugs are commonly available in pharmacies in the form of varnish. Property in such a form of antifungal drugs, you don't need to use them daily. Varnish applied every few days. The drug forms a protective coating on the nail plate, thereby, the protection block quotes and spreading the fungal infection. Application penetration depths sufficient to ensure a long quotation and transaction antifungal active ingredients and drug during the action, two days. Lucky also effective for preventing a fungal disease. You can use them once a week or more before I go places, high hazard is a fungal infection.

Aside from the quotation processing is required to provide antifungal protection skin and around the nails and between the toes. This is an ointment that is used for.

Your nails began to crumble, medications for external use is not sufficient, therefore it is assigned to enhanced antifungal tablet. This medication provides systemic effects on the whole body in general.

If a quotation is accompanied by defeat mushroom, is a bacterial infection it is emphasized that the emergence of pus, optional assignment, and the effect of antibacterial ointment, for example, Levomekol'.

The following tools that are used in folk medicine against onychomycosis.

treatment of folk remedies
  1. Mix apple cider vinegar and apply to affected nail on the water with a gauze compress that is applied 1 hour. The process is repeated every day for two weeks.
  2. A squeeze of lemon juice and mix it with two tablespoons of water. You should use for the solution process, the affected nail twice a day.
  3. A bath for the feet, add two large spoons baking powder and iodized or sea salt. Put your feet up, Foot Spa, half an hour. Intervention every day before going to bed.

Also onion juice with propolis tincture or nail treatment. Along with antifungal medications it is recommended to use folk remedies the doctor appointed.

It is very important for causes loss of fungal lesions heavy scene so timely quotation to a specialist when you are prompted, the first symptoms of the disease.